Behemoth Luggage

Client:ARTHongKong12 : Gallery Barry Keldoulis

Behemoth Luggage

This artwork is greatly inspired by a recent post we read in Yahoo Answers:

My neighbor gave my 8-year-old toy dinosaurs.?


I am a little shocked. She says she is Christian, but the Bible doesn’t say anything about dinosaurs. Should I let him keep them, as long as he understands that dinosaurs aren’t real? Even the PBS shows that he watches talk about dinosaurs and evolution, and how scientists found these “bones” but the Bible doesn’t say that God ever created them, and the earth is only 6,000 years old, not old enough to have “bones” that they say are MILLIONS of years old! I know that Satan tries to trick us in many ways, and that is one way that he tries to fool man into believing that there isn’t a God who created the universe. How can they be bones when they are made out of ROCKS? I told my son that dinosaurs are one of Satan’s many ways of tricking man, and he must talk to God before he plays with them. Am I handling this right? My first 3 were all girls, and I adopted boys, and a lot of parents tell me that boys are often attracted to these dinosaurs. So I don’t know what to do. Is this just harmless fantasy play for him, or should I be worried that he may go on to believe in absurd things like evolution?

We live in an age where ideas, services and products are whisked around the world at great speeds. How do people create mental levies in order to protect themselves from imported concepts that do not fit into their present orthodoxy?

A replica dinosaur fossil lies within several hard plastic cases. The dinosaur relic, positioned within the cases by means of grey foam is a transportable archaeological dig in a portmanteau. These black cases that are usually used to house valuable machinery or weaponry during transport now house a concept: a relic of an age outside human experience.

The way we locate ourselves within space and time was once within the realm of religion solely. We now live in an age that can describe the vastness of the universe and the immensity of time that has preceded us. Whether or not we can come to terms with our inconsequentiality is another thing. In these times it seems that we are faced with two options: the agoraphobia of knowledge or the claustrophobia of ignorance. Which ideology should I subscribe to?